A blog that covers Politics, finance, economics, and science. Perspective is conservative in the non-social sense, but not dogmatically so. Maintained by the Chief Technology Officer of a large Hedge Fund
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
While most people...
Pelosi decries...
As of the end of April...
UK consumer recovery set to be slowest in 180 years
Financial Times
The UK economy is set to experience the slowest pick-up in consumer spending of any post-recession period since 1830, according to a Financial Times analysis of official forecasts.
Families are expected to spend just slightly more by 2015 than they were before the financial crisis hit in 2008, as high inflation, tax rises and slow wage growth eat into disposable incomes.
In the 18 major recessions since records began in 1830, Bank of England data show that consumer spending on average recovered to 12 per cent above its previous peak within seven years.
But according to forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility, spending in 2015 will be just 5.4 per cent above the 2008 peak, making it the slowest recovery of any comparable post-recession period. At the equivalent stage after recessions in the early 1980s and 1990s, spending was 20 per cent and 15 per cent higher respectively.
"The recession may have been relatively benign for households, but the recovery is going to be particularly awful," said Simon Kirby, an economist at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research. British consumers have not experienced such a slow recovery in their spending power since 1970s-era stagflation. A period of stagnant spending growth could mean that consumers will barely feel the difference even as the economy expands.
"Everyone will hear and read about the economy growing in the news, its just that households are not going to notice it," said Mr Kirby.
While the UK labour market has been surprisingly strong, both the Bank of England and the Treasury say that stronger export growth and business investment is still needed to offset the fall in consumer and government spending.
"The only sustainable recovery is the kind of recovery that rebalances away from consumer demand and towards external demand," said one Treasury aide.
It is unclear, however, whether trade and business investment will prove sufficient to offset weak consumer spending and public sector cuts – which together account for more than 85 per cent of the economy
Supreme Court rules...
Technology Sector...
Basic Materials the weakest
This country's future...
We need to continue to research how to make them as safe and clean as possible and stop pretending that wind and solar are going to scale to meet our needs
Wind, Solar, and Conservation unfortunately do not add up to and energy policy for a large, growing, industrialized nation
'Muslim Brothers using mosques as party branches'
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is using mosques as the headquarters of
its party branches, and the organization is gradually seeking to create a Shari'a-based state, former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit warned on Tuesday
In bemoaning the pain of fiscal responsibility, the Democrats show they still haven't learned the lessons of Europe
still haven't learned the lessons of Europe
Greece, Ireland, and Portugal-the three countries committed to austerity
programs as conditions for European and International Monetary Fund
bailouts-have shrunk over the past year. The unemployment rate is above
10 percent in all three. Meanwhile, the U.K. economy is growing sluggishly. But to infer from this that the United States can postpone serious attempts at fiscal stabilization would be completely wrong-and deeply dangerous.
The point is that Greece & Co. are in trouble because of excessive borrowing. Between 1999 and 2010 the structural deficit of the Greek government rose from 2 percent of gross domestic product to nearly 18 percent. Ireland went from surplus to minus 11 percent.
Portugal was little better. The result was a debt explosion. The net government debt of Greece, the worst offender, soared from 76 percent of GDP to 142
percent last year.
Question of the Day
Intrade's implied chances, GOP nomination
Pawlenty. 19%
Huntsman. 17%
Palin. 8%
Perry. 6%
Bachmann. 5%
Cain. 4%
The Unemployment rate is forecast to tick down to 8.9% from 9.0%
"The Chinese government
equities, the official Economic Information Daily reported, citing a
former central bank researcher
'We need to safeguard and increase the value of our investments in America. Debt holdings in this case means all kinds of bonds, including U.S. Treasury bonds,'
Reelecting Obama (Victor Davis Hanson)
prices, average GDP growth, and housing are far worse than the average
during the eight years of Bush's presidency
China's largest inland lake dries up as country battles drought
Following months of talks...
The human race...
Remember that dollar rally?
Today the House considers..m
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Britain faces bleak two years after feeble economic growth
Britain faces a bleak time for the next two years as a result of feeble economic growth, one of the Bank of England’s most senior officials warned on Friday night.
Spencer Dale, the Bank’s chief economist, said households would need to consume less and he indicated that interest rates would rise this year.Pro-Obama media always shocked by bad economic news Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/politics/2011/05/pro-obama-media-always-shocked-bad-economic-news#ixzz1NlQ6b3a8
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/politics/2011/05/pro-obama-media-always-shocked-bad-economic-news#ixzz1NlPykm7A
When Kennedy Blinked (WSJ)
-->Article in WSJ
Friday, May 27, 2011
Global Economic Rebound Weakens on Quake, Oil Price, European Debt Crisis
The world economy is losing strength halfway through the year as high oil prices and fallout from Japan's natural disaster and Europe's debt woes take their toll.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. now expects global economic growth of 4.3 percent in 2011, compared with its 4.8 percent estimate in mid-April, while UBS AG has cut its projection to 3.6 percent from 3.9 percent in January. Downside risks also include a shift to tighter monetary policy in emerging markets.
"The world economy has entered a softer patch with the incoming growth
data mostly disappointing," said Andrew Cates, an economist at UBS in Singapore. "We suspect this soft patch will endure for longer."
Reid, Berkley part ways with president over Israel (Las Vegas Sun)
Barack Obama when it comes to most of his domestic policies: They've been executors of his health care plan, defenders of the stimulus, and champions of his stances on energy, immigration and social spending.
But on foreign policy, Berkley and Reid appear to be parting ways with the president, and they're doing it over Israel.
Obama took the bold step last week by becoming the first U.S. president
to publicly endorse a two-state solution to end the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on pre-1967 lines, in a speech delivered on the eve of a diplomatic visit from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
That didn't sit well with Nevada's Democratic delegation. Berkley was
the first to sound an alarm, saying she was "extremely troubled by President Obama's call for Israel to 'act boldly' for peace" and "also deeply concerned by any calls for Israel to return to the armistice line that existed before 1967 - that line left Israel far too vulnerable to
outside attack."
Reid followed suit a few days later, with a shout-out to Berkley and Nevada's "fastest-growing Jewish community in the country."
The Obama administration has repeatedly claimed that the health-reform
bill it passed last year improved Medicare's finances. Although you'd
never know it from the current state of the Medicare debate-with the
Republicans being portrayed as the Medicare Grinches-the claim is true
only because ObamaCare explicitly commits to cutting health-care
spending for the elderly and the disabled in future years.
Yet almost no one familiar with the numbers thinks that the planned
brute-force cuts in Medicare spending are politically feasible. Last
August, the Office of the Medicare Actuary predicted that Medicare will
be paying doctors less than what Medicaid pays by the end of this decade
and, by then, one in seven hospitals will have to leave the Medicare
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Apr US Personal Income...
Personal Consumption +0.4% vs. SA consensus +0.5%M
tweet: "@barackobama sorry to interrupt the European pub crawl, but
what was your Medicare plan?"
Paul Ashworth...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Under Bush, it was Fascism. Now, it is an essential element of our domestic security
Mitt Romney...
EPA reveals new fuel Economy labels
One type is for cars that use gasoline or diesel, or hybrids that use only self-generated electricity. A second is for gas and electric hybrids that use some plug-in electricity, and the third is for vehicles running strictly on plug-in power.
US Population is still growing...
Between 2000 and 2010, the country grew at a rate of 9.7%, which was
lower than any decade since the Great Depression, according to the U.S.
Census Bureau, which is releasing a steady stream of stats about the
During the 1930s, the country grew at a rate of about 7%. For comparison, the U.S. grew at a rate of about 19% in the 1950s, during the baby boom, and things generally have been slowing down since then.
The U.S. population in 2010 was 308.7 million.
The RCP poll average...
"It's a failure," Christie said, according to the Record. "RGGI has not changed behavior and it does not reduce emissions." The move is likely to further endear him to conservatives and bolster calls for him to enter the presidential race, an idea that he has repeatedly rejected
-Washington Examiner
Sen. Richard Durbin...
Durbin calls the possibility of Republican victory a "nightmare scenario." Imagine this, he tells donors: "Senators who want to end Medicare writing health policy. Lawmakers who think global warming is a hoax chairing the environment committee. President Obama's Supreme Court nominees wouldn't stand a chance."
Washington Examiner:
Oh Come On!
I've been wanting to write about the rhetorical overkill deployed by this administration when it comes to touting the President's decision to kill Bin Laden. I mean, is this really something only Barack Obama had the singular courage to do? Really? A Republican president wouldn't have killed Bin Laden under similar circumstances?
But I was also reluctant because, yes the president deserves praise for doing it and there are so few things I find praiseworthy in his agenda, better to focus on the things that revolve around fundamental disagreements. But this is just beyond the pale.
Joe Biden calls Obama's action against Bin Laden, "the boldest decision...any president has undertaken on a single event in modern history."
Seriously? Of course "modern history" is a relative term, so presumably
he excluding the Emancipation Proclamation or Truman's decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But how about Gerald Ford's pardon of Nixon? Or
Bush's surge?
And of course, boldness doesn't necessary depend on success. Carter's
botched mission to rescue the hostages was certainly bolder. So was Kennedy's Bay of Pigs. Indeed, given what a loose cannon Joe Biden is, Obama's decision to pick him as a running mate might even be bolder.
George Pataki...
Daily Caller:
President Obama's approval rating...
That's a complete reversal from April, when his approval rating stood at 44-52 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll. Obama's position against a generic Republican also improved. He
leads a hypothetical GOP opponent 44-38 percent this month after trailing 38-41 percent in April.
Washington D.C schools...
GDP revision "miss"...
Initial Jobless claims...
It has now been over 400K for 7 consecutive weeks for the first time since Jan 28
A recovery that was expected to be gaining steam by now appears to be uneven and flattish
1Q GDP second revision
The Economy remains by all evidence in a sluggish mode, and notable so compared to past recoveries
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Senate moves Patriot Act...
Remember the good old days when it the New Jack-booted Facism and then Senator Obama opposed it?
Ah, memories
First revision...
The New York Public Library...
-Jimmy Fallon
Six loud explosions rocked Tripoli late on Tuesday within 10 minutes, following powerful strikes 24 hours earlier, including one on Gaddafi's compound that Libyan officials said killed 19 people.
Obama told a London news conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron he could not predict when Gaddafi, who is fighting a three-month-old insurgency, might be forced to go. -Reuters
Are China's factories running out of power?
Companies that exceed these limits face prohibitive power tariffs that would threaten much of the region's low margin manufacturing.
The story isn't any different in Guangdong, south China's manufacturing hub. Its industries must also cope with limits on power usage
President Barrack Obama...
by raising his emphasis on the need for Arabs to recognize the legitimacy of Israel's existence.
"Hamas... has not renounced violence and has not recognized the state of
Israel," he told reporters this morning at a joint-press conference with the U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron. "Until they do, it is very difficult to expect the Israelis to have a serious conversation, because ultimately they have to have confidence that the Palestinian state is going to stick to whatever bargain is struck," he said.
GOP activists...
"Most Jews are Democrats because they vote on the basis of domestic policies," said Ari Fleischer, a former press secretary for George W. Bush. But, he added, "those who are more inclined to vote on international affairs are more likely to be independent and they tend to vote Republican,"
Controversial 'shock jock'...
The Conservative-led British government announced in July it would only lift the ban initiated by the previous Labor leadership if Savage took back statements he had made on his broadcasts that were deemed a 'threat to national security'.
And while the U.K has never specified which comments it found so dangerous, an attorney for the British government has stayed true to its threat, reaffirming the ban.
The Greek government...
Sarah Palin...
Appearing on Fox News, where she serves as a contributor,
Palin did not rule out the possibility that she could jump into the still-undefined Republican presidential field, though offered few specifics on where she is in her thought process.
"I think my problem is that I do have the fire in my belly," said Palin
Does anyone remember...
The only person...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Today's MoM percentage drop...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Former Pres Clinton:
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Motorists in the US...
President Obama says today...
It looks like serious discussion won't begin soon
That pretty vague we'd say
UK PM Cameron...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
President Obama has ignored...
It is difficult to ascertain what the President and his Party are actually for
Tonight's election in NY26...
How did...
A little while ago...
yield after inflation
35 Billion...
Greek private money...
The amount deposited in Switzerland is equal to 120 percent of Greece's gross domestic product, the newspaper said. The two biggest Swiss banks manage 20 billion euros in funds owned by Greek private customers, Handelsblatt said, citing people in the Swiss finance
The President said...
Greek public sector union...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Rep. Peter King...
Chris Matthews...
It may hurt them. But to me, it is a certainty that one way or the other, Medicare will be cut in the next decade, by means testing or otherwise
I am getting increasingly concerned...
No one is talking about ObamaCare anymore...
ZeroHedge feels strongly about Greece
received its first (and certainly not last) $1 trillion + bailout package from the EU, the ECB and the IMF. Just over 12 months later, all those who peddled Greek bonds to the rest of the world (ahem Germany) are now furiously backtracking, having finally realized what we, and everyone else with half a brain realized from the beginning: it's over for the euro.
But fine, let's kick the can down the road for a few more months, which
will allow banks, with access to interest-free central bank capital, to literally steal Greece's soon to be privatized assets for pennies on the dollar, and then send the carcass, now picked dry, to the international bankruptcy court.
In the meantime, we would like expose all the idiots who like various anchors on Comcast's bubblevision channel, pitched Greek paper to hapless investors, only to see losses (this is not some speculative asset - this is fixed income) of over 40% in one year, and for some reason continue to have a podium from which to spread their lunacy, greed and outright stupidity.
New Home Sales...
Oil futures...
Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar...
Speaking to Al-Emirate Al-Youm, Zahar asked "Why won't we talk about the
1948 borders? Why won't we discuss the partition plan which was
internationally recognized?"
AIPAC Director
France, allies...
I am not looking...
Many Americans admire Israel for creating value in the world in unique ways, and because it has constructed a society that functions in a fashion we would prefer others in the region emulate more.
Those Americans also look for Peace, but not at any cost
GOP nomination contracts
Romney. 27%
Pwlenty. 24%
Huntsman. 15%
Cain. 6%
Palin. 6%
Bachmann. 5%
Gingrich. 3%
Christie. 3%
Perry. 3%
The bonds of European sovereigns
Italian 2-year debt is about 15 basis points wider against bunds, yielding 3.07% — not much less than what the U.S. government pays to borrow for 10 years.
It is not really so important...
Many of people he has associated with his entire life have broadly been unsympathetic to the notion of an Israel State and what it has had to do to defend itself.
For that reason, he will never have the full trust of those that love or admire Israel and what it has created
Chicago Fed National Activity Index...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Spain's Socialists Trounced Amid Economic Turmoil
Spain's ruling Socialists suffered a crushing defeat to conservatives in local and regional elections Sunday, yielding power even in traditional strongholds against a backdrop of staggering unemployment and unprecedented sit-ins by Spaniards furious with what they see as politicians who don't care about their plight.
Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said the result was due punishment of his government for the state of the economy — the jobless rate is a eurozone high of 21.3 percent. But he said he had no plans to move up general elections, which must be held by March of next year, and pledged to press on with job-creating reforms despite the loud outcry of opposition to his party.
President Barack Obama said Sunday...
In his first speech as president to the main American-Israeli lobby group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Obama said his reference to the border issue in a major policy speech on the Middle East "means that the parties themselves - Israelis and Palestinians - will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967," the eve of the six-day war in which Israel seized the West Bank, Gaza Strip and other territory ---CNN
The announcement from Pakistan's defense minister came a day after Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani returned from a four-day visit to China, Islamabad's biggest arms supplier.
"We would be ... grateful to the Chinese government if a naval base is ... constructed at the site of Gwadar for Pakistan," Defence Minister Ahmad Mukhtar said is a statement, referring to a deepwater port in Pakistan's southwest
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Here Is What Happens After Greece Defaults
When it comes to the topic of Greece, by now everyone is sick of prevaricating European politicians who even they admit are lying openly to the media, and tired of conflicted investment banks trying to make the situation appear more palatable if only they dress it in some verbally appropriate if totally ridiculous phrase (which just so happens contracts to SLiME). The truth is Greece will fold like a lawn chair: whether it's tomorrow (which would be smartest for everyone involved) or in 1 years, when the bailout money runs out, is irrelevant. The question then is what will happen after the threshold of nevernever land is finally breached, and Kickthecandowntheroad world once again reverts to the ugly confines of reality. Luckily, the Telegraph's Andrew Lilico presents what is arguably the most realistic list of the consequences of crossing the senior bondholder Styx compiled to date.
What happens when Greece defaults. Here are a few things:
- Every bank in Greece will instantly go insolvent.
- The Greek government will nationalise every bank in Greece.
- The Greek government will forbid withdrawals from Greek banks.
- To prevent Greek depositors from rioting on the streets, Argentina-2002-style (when the Argentinian president had to flee by helicopter from the roof of the presidential palace to evade a mob of such depositors), the Greek government will declare a curfew, perhaps even general martial law.
- Greece will redenominate all its debts into “New Drachmas” or whatever it calls the new currency (this is a classic ploy of countries defaulting)
- The New Drachma will devalue by some 30-70 per cent (probably around 50 per cent, though perhaps more), effectively defaulting 0n 50 per cent or more of all Greek euro-denominated debts.
- The Irish will, within a few days, walk away from the debts of its banking system.
- The Portuguese government will wait to see whether there is chaos in Greece before deciding whether to default in turn.
- A number of French and German banks will make sufficient losses that they no longer meet regulatory capital adequacy requirements.
- The European Central Bank will become insolvent, given its very high exposure to Greek government debt, and to Greek banking sector and Irish banking sector debt.
- The French and German governments will meet to decide whether (a) to recapitalise the ECB, or (b) to allow the ECB to print money to restore its solvency. (Because the ECB has relatively little foreign currency-denominated exposure, it could in principle print its way out, but this is forbidden by its founding charter. On the other hand, the EU Treaty explicitly, and in terms, forbids the form of bailouts used for Greece, Portugal and Ireland, but a little thing like their being blatantly illegal hasn’t prevented that from happening, so it’s not intrinsically obvious that its being illegal for the ECB to print its way out will prove much of a hurdle.)
- They will recapitalise, and recapitalise their own banks, but declare an end to all bailouts.
- There will be carnage in the market for Spanish banking sector bonds, as bondholders anticipate imposed debt-equity swaps.
- This assumption will prove justified, as the Spaniards choose to over-ride the structure of current bond contracts in the Spanish banking sector, recapitalising a number of banks via debt-equity swaps.
- Bondholders will take the Spanish Banking Sector to the European Court of Human Rights (and probably other courts, also), claiming violations of property rights. These cases won’t be heard for years. By the time they are finally heard, no-one will care.
- Attention will turn to the British banks. Then we shall see…
Look Ahead: Currencies Could Sway Stocks in the Coming Week
U.S. markets in the coming week may be slower heading into the first official long weekend of summer, but fidgety currency markets could keep the focus on Europe and geopolitical concerns
Nobody expects a repeat performance of the high-flying but there are a few initial offerings in the week ahead, including Russian internet company Yandex, already drawing good demand.
"I think the markets will continue to be focusing on what is or isn't happening in Greece. We don't think anything will materialize though," said Robert Sinche, head of global currency strategy at RBS.
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining, Installed by the European Union
The New Precedent on War Powers
"No more ignoring the law when it's convenient. That is not who we are...We will again set an example for the world that the law is not
Green Jobless
Government talk of economic recovery was undermined on Friday when the country’s largest steel maker announced plans to cut 1,500 jobs in Lincolnshire and Teesside.
Tata Steel, which bought the Corus business in 2007, blamed a continued slump in demand from the construction sector but also new climate change legislation for its decision.
“We are aware that our employees and their families will experience a very unsettling few months as a result of this announcement. We will do everything we can to provide them with support and assistance,” said Karl-Ulrich Köhler, chief executive of Tata Steel’s European operations.
“The continuing weakness in market conditions is one of the main reasons why we are setting out on this difficult course of action. Another is the regulatory outlook. EU carbon legislation threatens to impose huge additional costs on the steel industry. Besides, there remains a great deal of uncertainty about the level of further unilateral carbon cost rises that the UK government is planning,” he added.
The Euro Doom Scenario Starts With What's Happening In Spain Right Now
Barack Obama's state visit to Britain hit by splits over Libya
Tensions over the military campaign against Libya have cast a cloud over President Barack Obama’s state visit to Britain this week, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.
Article in "The Telegraph"---> here
Senior Palestinian officials...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's stance only strengthened the Palestinian resolve to bypass such talks, largely deadlocked since 2008, and seek recognition of a state at the UN instead, said Nabil Shaath, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas --AP
At MIT...
Tuition Skyrockets....
Student debt just surpassed the country's credit-card debt for the first time. It is projected to top $1 trillion this year, according to the New York Times, when it was less than $200 billion in 2000. For the class of 2011, the mean student-debt burden is nearly $23,000, up 8 percent from a year ago.
A sign...
Canada refuses to join Obama's call for Israel to return to 1967 borders
“What the government of Canada supports is basically a two-state solution that is negotiated,” a senior federal official said. “If it’s border, if it’s others issues, it has to be negotiated, it cannot be unilateral action.”
Netanyahu to Obama:
Krauthammer to PBS's Shields
Larry Summers...
Presidential approval...
The highest post Bin Laden's liquidation was 51%
PA Statehood
If Sarah Palin....
The blow up with Israel
Lead paragraph:
PRESIDENT OBAMA and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu have a powerful and urgent common interest. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has turned his back on both Israel and the United States; he is seeking accommodation with the extremist Hamas movement and has announced that he will seek a declaration of Palestinian statehood from the U.N. General Assembly in September. The result could be what Mr. Netanyahu’s defense minister calls “a diplomatic tsunami” against Israel and possibly the eruption of another Israeli-Palestinian war. As for the United States, the U.N. vote could isolate it in support of Israel, undermine the ambitious strategy that Mr. Obama has just announced to promote democracy in the Arab world — and maybe derail the Arab Spring itself.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad....
White House on War Powers Deadline...
The International Monetary Fund ...
The US taxpayer foots about 18% of this loan to poorly run Portugal
Student debt
It is projected to top $1 trillion this year, according to the New York Times, when it was less than $200 billion in 2000. For the class of 2011, the mean student-debt burden is nearly $23,000, up 8 percent from a year ago
Greece's credit rating...
Amazon sales of digital books for Kindle...
From "The Telegraph"
"Customers are now choosing Kindle books more often than print books,"
Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos said in a statement.
"We had high hopes that this would happen eventually, but we never
imagined it would happen this quickly," Mr. Bezos added. "We've been selling print books for 15 years and Kindle books for less than four years."
The Seattle, Washington-based Amazon said that since April 1, it was selling 105 Kindle e-books for every 100 print books, hardcover and paperback combined.
The figures referred to the company's US website, not Amazon.co.uk.
The company said it had sold more than three times as many Kindle books so far in 2011 as it did during the same period last year
The International Monetary Fund...
$1.6 billion, which marks the third consecutive weekly outflow totaling 3% of assets. Gold and silver focused mutual funds accounted for more than 50% of outflows this week.
In other asset classes, equity funds saw a sizable outflow, $7.3 billion, the largest in 45 weeks, while municipal bonds continued to see outflows, $215 million, which is the 27th consecutive negative weekly net flow. [Merrill Lynch]
2.5 years after...
Nato strikes...
Spanish 2-Year Yields...
NYT: Obama speech intentional move to pre-empt Netanyahu.
As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel heads to the White House on Friday for the seventh meeting since President Obama took office, the two men are facing a turning point in a relationship that has never been warm.
By all accounts, they do not trust each other. President Obama has told aides and allies that he does not believe that Mr. Netanyahu will ever be willing to make the kind of big concessions that will lead to a peace deal.
For his part, Mr. Netanyahu has complained that Mr. Obama has pushed Israel too far - a point driven home during a furious phone call with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday morning, just hours before Mr. Obama's speech, during which the prime minister reacted angrily to the president's plan to endorse Israel's pre-1967 borders for a future Palestinian state.
Freddie Mac...
Greek Debt today
As the 10-year bonds were sold off, the yield climbed 61.5 basis points to 16.75 per cent, a new record, on Friday. The yield on the equivalent German note, meanwhile, eased to 3.12 per cent as Bunds were sought out as havens.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel...
Thursday, May 19, 2011
In his interview with BBC...
-Jake Tapper. ABC
File under self serving conclusions
A long-awaited study on the "causes and context" of the priest child sexual abuse scandal, commissioned by U.S. bishops in 2006 and released Wednesday, blames the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, not celibacy or homosexuality, for the crisis that has rocked the Roman Catholic church. While the report largely paints the crisis as a historical blip in the history of the church
Patriot Act
A senior Dem aide confirms Reid, Boehner & McConnell agreed on a clean, 4-year extension of Patriot Act provisions. No word yet on Pelosi.
(GO: Of course Pelosi does not matter as the leader of a small minority in the House has approximately zero power)
Abbas calls emergency meeting over Obama address
From the Jerusalem Post:
PA president seeks urgent consultations with Arab leaders over address; Hamas spokesmen accuses Obama of "deception," favoritism to Israel. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday called an emergency meeting of the PA leadership to discuss US President Barack Obama's speech on peace in the Middle East, a PA official in Ramallah said.
Abbas has also decided to hold urgent consultations with a number of Arab leaders on the speech, the official said. PLO Executive Committee member Saeb Erekat said that Abbas remained committed to fulfilling all Palestinian obligations in accordance with international agreements
Netanyahu's tweets
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Office twitter account -- run by Dr. Eitan Eliram, new media director of the prime minister's office –- sent out a rapid succession of tweets stating clear disapproval with the president's reference to the 1967 borders:
"Israel appreciates President Obama's commitment to peace. Israel believes that for peace to endure between Israelis and Palestinians, the viability of a Palestinian state... cannot come at the expense of the viability of the one and only Jewish state,"
I was interested...
Now I don't want to hear about it again till there is a plea or a verdict
The Guarded Optimist of course remains interested in any and all French angst or nashing of teeth over the matter
President Obama will not sit down with Voice America (VOA)...
After shaking Israel back to its 1967 borders...
New documents suggest Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan involved withcrafting legal defense of ObamaCare
crafting legal defense of ObamaCare
From the Daily Caller
Emails between Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and members of the
Obama Administration reveal she was more involved with President Obama's
health-care law than was disclosed previously. The documents likely will
lead to a revival of questions about whether the Kagan should recuse
herself from future cases.
Specifically, the documents show that Kagan was involved with crafting the legal defense of the Affordable Care Act in her role as solicitor general, before her appointment to the bench. The Media Research Center and Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that was filed in February 2011.
In an email dated Jan. 8, 2010, then-Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal sent an email to Senior Counsel Brian Hauck and Deputy Attorney General Thomas Perrelli that indicates Kagan played a key role in coming up with a legal defense.
"Brian, Elena would definitely like OSG [Office of Solicitor General] to be involved in this set of issues ... we will bring Elena as needed."
Read more:
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Breaking News: Peter Fonda somehow still matters
Peter Fonda calls Obama 'traitor' at Cannes
CANNES, France (AFP) - Peter Fonda launched a four-letter attack on US
President Barack Obama at the Cannes film festival on Wednesday, calling
him a traitor over the handling of the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill.
The star of the 1969 road movie "Easy Rider" was in Cannes for the
premiere of "The Big Fix" by Rebecca and Josh Tickell, the only feature
documentary in the official selection at the Cannes film festival this
Fonda -- a keen environmentalist and co-producer of the film which
centers on the explosion of the BP oil rig Deepwater Horizon, the
ensuing spill and its consequences -- accused Washington of trying to
gag reporting on the issue.
"I sent an email to President Obama saying, 'You are a f(expletive)
traitor,' using those words... 'You're a traitor, you allowed foreign
boots on our soil telling our military -- in this case the coastguard --
what they can and could not do, and telling us, the citizens of the
United States, what we could or could not do'."
Fonda, who said he sent the email last week, appears in "The Big Fix"
trying to get on to Louisiana beaches to assess the impact of the
biggest oil spill in US history, only to be turned away by BP clean-up
Speaking at a press event at the American Pavilion to promote the film,
Fonda denounced BP as "a bunch of Brits -- I thought we kicked them out
a long time ago. They tried to get back in in 1812, but they didn't make
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Data Signal Global Industrial Slowdown
A global summer slowdown looms as a leading indicator of factory activity has turned down, according to a well respected independent research firm.
The Economic Cycle Research Institute's long leading indicator of global industrial growth peaked at 0.7 in August 2010, predicting a cyclical peak for industrial activity this summer.
The index stood at 0.1 in March, near the lowest level since January 1980.
"There's a downturn in global industrial growth in clear sight," said ECRI managing director Lakshman Achuthan
Leading indicators...
Middle East Demographics
Initial Jobless claims...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn was warned
Before he left to run the International Monetary Fund, French President Nicolas Sarkozy told him to control himself in the United States when it came to women.
"Over there they don't joke about this sort of thing," The Times of London quoted Sarkozy as telling Strauss-Kahn. "Your life will be passed under a magnifying glass. Avoid taking the lift alone with interns. France cannot permit a scandal."
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Toomey: Default Not Necessary
As part of his continued effort to dispel the conventional wisdom regarding the debt limit (i.e., hysteria over imminent default), freshman Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) stopped by the American Enterprise Institute on Wednesday to set the record straight.
He cited a recent interview in the Wall Street Journal with Stanley Druckenmiller in which the legendary investor (who owns a substantial amount of U.S. Treasury bills) suggested that doing nothing to address country’s unsustainable debt problem would do far greater damage to the U.S. economy than a technical or temporary default, saying: “People aren’t going to wonder whether 20 years ago we delayed an interest payment for six days. They’re going to wonder whether we got our house in order.” Toomey, a former bond trader himself, said he had been hearing these concerns from many in the financial community.
The Boston Herald responds to White House retribution...
"We all know Obama has an aversion to tough questions. During the campaign, he would refuse to engage with most local media, and reporters who camped out at the rope line got a stern talking-to from a campaign staffer.But using the White House press pool to possibly punish or reward media based on what the White House considers “fair” coverage? This is taking the control freak thing to new levels"
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Romney calls it...
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Economic releases tomorrow
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IPad and Tablets
The iPad is wreaking havoc on the personal computer market. HP's consumer PC sales plunged 23% last quarter and the company lopped one billion off its annual sales forecast. Sales at Dell slumped 7.5%
More than 70 million tablet like the iPad will be sold in 2011, a total that will grow to 246 million in 3 years according the Jeffries & Co
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Bribery in Reverse
"Illinois in 2011 is on pace to provide much more money in financial
incentive programs to businesses to retain and add jobs, with the total
through early May exceeding $230 million pledged to 27 companies," the
Chicago Tribune reports:
Gov. Pat Quinn is turning to the incentives, which include tax credits,
training funds and grants, as Illinois copes with a moribund economy and
battles other states to woo companies that have shown a willingness to move--or stay put, if the price is right.
No wonder: Whereas other states have been reducing spending, Quinn and
his fellow Democrats in the Legislature have dealt with their state's pending insolvency by raising taxes through the roof. But here's the part of the Trib report that raised our eyebrows:
The identities of 21 of the 27 companies receiving a total $53.1 million were not disclosed in a list provided to the Tribune on Tuesday by the state's Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
The company names weren't released because of nondisclosure agreements
with the companies, because contracts have not been finalized or because
employees had not been told of plans at the companies in question,
department spokeswoman Marcelyn Love said in a statement. The state is signing nondisclosure agreements to shield the identity of companies that are getting relief from Illinois' punishingly high taxes? Doesn't that sound like a recipe for corruption?
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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard...
prices to become the biggest risk to the economic outlook in the U.S
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President Obama's daily Gallup approval rating....
The peak after the Bin Laden liquidation was 52/40.
The all time low has been 41% which it was at for 2 straight days in mid-April 2011
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Huntsman eyes Florida as base for 2012 campaign
Former Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman is eyeing Florida for the
headquarters of his 2012 presidential campaign, should he decide to run.
Huntsman, the former Republican governor of Utah, could locate his
campaign headquarters in Orlando, smack dab in the middle of the key
swing state of Florida.
The decision to locate his headquarters in Florida can be attributed in part to the fact that his wife, Mary Kaye, hails from Orlando and has family and friends there. The state's also a big fundraising base, and the ability to win Florida is sometimes seen as a bellwether for a candidate's electability
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Michele Bachmann...
If she steps into the race, Look for 200 straight "Hardball" shows to be devoted to Chris Matthews' clinical obsession with her
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Confidence in the global economy...
analysts grew more optimistic about the European environment, Germany's
Ifo research institute said, citing a quarterly survey
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Our Progressive White House
access to President Obama's Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails
objecting to the newspaper's front page placement of a Mitt Romney
op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the
news "fairly."
"I tend to consider the degree to which papers have demonstrated to
covering the White House regularly and fairly in determining local pool
reporters," White House spokesman Matt Lehrich wrote in response to a
Herald request for full access to the presidential visit
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As a side note, I have an issue with the Strauss-Kahn allegations being broadly labeled a "sex scandal". Rape or attempted Rape is a crime of violent assault. It is not the same thing as an extra-marital affair or involvement with a prostitute
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Gee, ya think?
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Mortgage applications...
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Crude Oil Future...
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Repeal of U.S. Oil Breaks Blocked in Senate
The U.S. Senate blocked a bid by Democratic leaders to repeal $21 billion in tax breaks for five multinational oil companies and use the revenue to reduce the deficit.
The Senate voted 52-48, with 60 votes needed for the debate to proceed, after Republicans argued the legislation would raise gasoline prices and increase dependence on foreign oil. Democratic leaders said they would seek to resurrect the measure in budget negotiations with congressional Republicans and the Obama administration
Newt Gingrich apologizes to Paul Ryan
Read more at Politico